Sliders Beware.

This bloggage was created to share the joy of sliding.

Another Perspective

I saw these bad boys one time while roaming the interweb. I just had to get my hands on one after seeing clips of Cyrus Sutton in action. I was warned at work about the dangers of handplane usage by a fellow coperson, but I had to try it. I was impressed in the amount of speed the little piece of reclaimed wood had down the line.

I always keep my handplane and a pair of fins in my truck at all times. It allows me to grab them if it's good and want to ditch my Log or if I'm in need to just get wet.They will put the biggest smile on your face, AND as an added bonus ... folks tend to get out of your way when they see you paddling/kicking for a wave. This could be due to shock- they're wondering why you're out in the water without a board when it's head high.

The clip that started my desire for alternative wave riding. Next on my list-Surf Mats.

Slide On.